Good Coding Practice
- DRY Principle
- Don't repeat yourself and remove duplication wherever possible
- SOLID Principles
- Single responsibility principle
- A class or module should do one thing only
- This is important because we don't want multiple reasons for why the class or module should change
- Open/closed principle
- Open for extension
- The class can be inherited or overwritten
- Closed for modification
- Should not have switch conditions inside that needs to be changed in order to work
- Open for extension
- Liskov substitution principle
- Any child type of a parent type should be able to stand in for that parent without things blowing up
- If you have an
class withmake_noise()
method then any child classes ofcats
, they both should have proper implementations ofmake_noise()
and not be throwing an exception
- Interface segregation principle
- Should favour many, smaller, client-specific interfaces over a single, larger, monolithic interface
- If you have an interface with lots of configurations that you have to set up with default values then it is not a good practice
- Dependency inversion principle
- Write code that depends upon abstractions rather than concrete details
- Classes that takes in generic variables instead of instantiating a specific value internally
- Single responsibility principle
- Law of Demeter
- An OOP rule that helps to write clean code
For all classes C, and for all methods M attached to C, all objects to which M sends a message must be:
- M's argument objects, including the self object or
- The instance variable objects of C
- For all classes C, and for all methods M attached to C, all objects to which M sends a message must be:
- M's argument objects
- Instance variable objects of C
- Objects created by M, or by functions or methods which M calls
- Objects in global variables
- This means that this law prohibits "sending a message" to any already existing object that is held in instance variables of other classes, unless it is also held by our class or passed to us as method parameters